ExploreGeo is a consulting group specialising in: geophysical consulting and services to the minerals exploration industry, processing and interpretation of non-seismic oil and gas exploration methods, geophysical advice on geotechnical surveys for front end engineering design, geophysical software development and sales and the provision of high quality services to clients.

The company operates from an office in the northern Perth suburb of Wangara (map) and consults on projects throughout the world.

The group consists of independent consultants (profiles) working through their own company structure supported by staff, software and hardware from the group. As education is a core element in staff becoming consultants, they are provided with high level mentoring and opportunities for professional development.

As well as providing consulting services to our clients we also have a limited range of geophysical instruments available for rental.

The software used to process the data we work on is largely written in-house. Exploregeo now uses linux workstations for all its processing and the code has all been ported to linux. Some of this is available for use under licence by other geophysicists. Because there is a significant user base outside of ExploreGeo using the software, the windows versions of the code remain supported and at the same version as the linux version.

See our downloads page to view presentations, publications and technical notes generated by the group.

Our phone numbers and contact details are on the contact us page.

This website is constantly under development and there will be more for you to view soon!